
 Ibadan University Press, University Of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Modelling Farmers’ Decisions On Climate Risks Adaptation: Policy Issues From The Multinomial Logit Analysis In Ekiti State, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Awolala David Olufemi And Ajibefun Igbekele Amos
Year Published:

The study analysed the determinants of farmers’ decision capacity on climate risks adaptation in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Multinomial logit model was fitted to data collected from a cross-sectional data obtained from selected food crop farmers. Primary data were collected using a well-structured questionnaire administered on eighty farmers who were randomly selected from the two agro-ecological zones of the State. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the respondents from the tropical forest and guinea savanna zones in the study area. The results from the perception mean scores indicate that the magnitudes of drought, heavy, storm, fire incidence, heavy rainfall, thunderstorm, and soil erosion were perceived as moderate, while loss of soil moisture, flood, incidence of pests and diseases, desertification and loss of forest resources were perceived as high climate risks. Increase or reduce the size of their cropland, active farming activities, protective measures and some household livelihood adaptations were various adaptation strategies adopted to cope with climatic stresses associated with seasonal fluctuations of weather factors and/or extreme events. While, access to basic infrastructure and productive assets will enhance farmers’ adaptive capacity to adjust, inadequate availability of storage facilities will deter their capacities to adjust to risks from extreme climate events. The chi-square value of 61.10 associated with the log likelihood ratio of 207.60 was significant (p<0.05) in the multinomial logit result which indicate a strong explanatory power of the model. The significant factors that affect farmers’ adaptive capacity to climate risks were household head level of education, farming experience, extension services, and access to credit opportunities were statistically significant (p<0.05) and exert positive influence on choice of adaptation options to cope with stresses from impacts of climate risks.